Configuring Samba on CentOS/RHEL to share data with Windows
suppose we want to share one directory with multiple users e.g. shah and king.
# groupadd share
# useradd -G share shah
# useradd -G share king
# mkdir /data
# chgrp share /data
# chmod g+rwx,o-rwx /data
Now if you are looking to enable group in-inheritance on directory:
# chmod g+s /data
If you want to enable sticky bit to keep data secure from other member of group or you do not want other members to delete sub-content of directory:
# chmod o+s /data
Now, install following rpms using Yum:
# yum install samba samba-client samba-common -y
Edit samba config file:
# vim /etc/samba/smb.conf
Put following content:
comment = Share Group's Stuff
path = /data
valid user= shah , king
public = yes
writable = yes
printable = no
write list = +staff
Details of Config:
[share] - #share name to be visible on windows
comment - #User prompt message for windows
valid user - #User name which you want to use for access
path - #Path of dir which you are looking to share
public - #share should be visible to other users
writable - #User should allowed to write from windows or smb shell
printable - #It is a share not printer
write list - #list of users or group who is allowed to write on share
Search for "hosts allow" in smb.conf to define hosts access :
hosts allow = 127. 192.168.12. 192.168.13.
Save and close the file. And define samba user's passwords:
# smbpasswd -a shah
# smbpasswd -a king
Start samba service:
# service smb start
Enable samba service at boot-up:
# chkconfig smb on
To verify shared dir or config:
# testparm
Now access share on windows:
Windows--> run --> \\
It will prompt for the user/password. Enter ;) and have fun.